Top 5 Tools for Social Media Marketing

Social Media Tools


Social media marketing is a big part of many businesses' strategies, and it's easy to see why. It's free, gives you access to millions of consumers, and allows you to easily reach customers all over the world. However, social media marketing isn't something that happens by accident. In order to be successful with your efforts, you need a plan—and lots of tools! Here are some of our favorites:


Canva is a free graphic design tool that makes it easy for anyone to create graphics for social media marketing. With Canva, you can create:

  • Social media posts
  • Blog posts
  • Social media ads
  • Facebook profile pictures and headers
  • Twitter headers and tweets

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that can be used to track your social media performance, from the number of views you get on each post to where they're coming from (social network) and what they did when they got there.

It's also useful for analyzing your website traffic, as well as how much time people spend on it. This data will help you optimize your site so that visitors stay longer and convert into leads or customers.

Flick Hashtag Analytics

The first tool in our list is the hashtag analytics tool from Flick. This is a free tool that can track your hashtags on any platform, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can use this tool to measure the success of your marketing campaigns for social media platforms. Hashtag analytics are useful for measuring brand awareness and engagement with audiences.

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Copy AI

Copy AI is a social media marketing tool that allows you to create your copywriting content with their AI generating technology

The free trial allows you to use Copy AI for 7 days. If you decide to continue using the tool after the trial period, you’ll need to purchase a subscription. The paid packages start at $49 per month for one user with limited features and go up from there (there are also volume discounts).

The interface is easy enough for beginners but has enough advanced features that more experienced marketers will also find useful.

Pocket SMM

Pocket SMM is a great tool to use, especially if you're new to social media marketing. This tool provides a content calendar every month, which will help you manage your Instagram and Facebook posts. It also helps you create custom content for your small business.

The best part about this tool is that it's only $1 your first month! If you're looking for an affordable way to manage your social media campaigns without spending too much money upfront, then this may be the perfect solution for what needs doing today.


Social media is a great way to engage with customers, grow your brand and build relationships. We’ve covered the 5 best tools for social media marketing in this article, but there are many more out there that can help boost your results. The key points to remember are planning, using the right tools and measuring success so that you can see what works for your business!


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