How To Promote Your Podcast Episode
Promote Your Podcast Episode
You've spent hours recording, editing, and mastering your podcast episode. Now it's time to promote the heck out of it! If you're using a blogging platform like WordPress or Squarespace, then you can use some of these ideas to get extra mileage out of each podcast. And if you're not using a blogging platform... well then that's why we're here! Here are 6 ways to promote your podcast episode.
Share the episode's featured image on Instagram
This is a great way to promote your podcast on Instagram.
You can share the episode's featured image on Instagram.
Use the same photo that you use on your website and use the same caption that you use on your website.
Related Blog Post:How to find and attract your target audience on Instagram
Write a full blog post about the episode's topic
Once you have a topic in mind, write up a full blog post on the topic. Make sure the post isn't too long: If it is, consider separating your content into multiple blog posts or creating an article series.
A blog post to promote your podcast episode can include:
The title of the podcast episode
A brief description of what was talked about in this episode and why listeners should be interested in it
Your own take on the topic (e.g., "This week on my podcast, we discussed...")
Links back to both your podcast (e.g., "You can listen to this week's episode here") and its specific page on iTunes (e.g., "Click here for more information about how much time you should spend working out each day.")
Create a video recapping the episode's highlights
A recap video can be a great way to promote the highlights of your podcast episode by using video. You can post it on social media and include links back to your show. People will then click through and listen to the full episode.
You can also use a video editing tool like Adobe Premiere Pro CC or DaVinci Resolve Studio (or even just iMovie) to make this recap look professional, but there are other options as well: if you have access to an iPhone or iPad app called Clips, it makes it very easy and quick for anyone to create a quick video with some basic editing tools to promote your podcast episode.
A post shared by Alyssa | Social Media Manager (@socialassumptions)
Give your listeners a peak behind the scenes of recording
Listening to the sound of a podcast can be an exciting experience, but that’s only one side of the coin. The other is learning more about how it was made and this is a great way to promote your podcast episode. You may have awesome guests and interesting topics, but if you don’t share how, you actually recorded those interviews or created your show, then you are missing out on a huge opportunity. Share with your audience what goes into the recording (or producing) of an episode. Not just in terms of equipment and space, but also in terms of time spent doing research and preparation for each interviewee. Include photos of yourself working alone at home or with others in a studio environment. This will give listeners a peek behind the curtain at who makes up your team plus any interesting details that come up along the way.
Answer listener questions from the previous episode
Another option for your listeners to get involved with a podcast episode is to welcome them to send in questions and comments. If you have a blog post that discusses the topic of your podcast, you can ask them to comment on the blog post or send questions in advance (via email or social media). If you don't have this option, consider asking listeners who are interested in hearing more about your topic if they'd like to chat over the phone or through email. This is a great way to promote your podcast episode.
If you're just starting out with podcasts and aren't sure how many people will be listening yet, it might be best not to ask too many questions or request feedback until after several episodes have been released and people are comfortable with the format and style of your show.
Follow us on Instagram for more tips here.
Share clip segments from the episode on social media
We recommend sharing the most interesting clip segments from your episode on social media to promote your podcast episode. You don't have to post entire episodes (unless you're doing a solo podcast), but if you do share clips. Make sure they're not too long or too short and don't include boring or repetitive moments. If you’re not sure what constitutes a good clip segment, ask someone else for advice before posting anything!
These 6 post ideas will help give you more mileage out of each podcast episode.
You can easily turn your podcast into a great source of traffic and leads, but it will take some effort on your part. In this post, I’m going to share six different ways to promote your podcast episode that will help give you more mileage out of each one.
There are several different ways that social media posts can promote podcasts. You can advertise which episode was released by linking directly through iTunes or Stitcher. You can share quotes from past episodes. Also you could even try posting behind-the-scenes photos from recording sessions if applicable!
We have created 25 Podcast promotion caption templates to save you time. Click to shop now!
Promoting your podcast is an important part of growing an audience. It’s also a great way to find new listeners and get your name out there. But the biggest question you have to answer when it comes time to promote your show is: how?
There are so many different ways you can do this. All will depend on what kind of content your podcast produces. Think about who its audience consists of, and what type of promotion makes sense for each episode or series run in general. While we’ll never be able to tell you exactly what works best for all situations (because everyone is different), here are six different promotional strategies that may help get you started with promoting your next episode(s).
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