June Holidays + Dates: Content Creation Ideas

What do you do when you have zero inspiration for crafting social media content? Do you investigate your journal or go through your competitors’ online profiles? Well, both are great ideas that could work, but they can’t guarantee you success.

Every month, you may find yourself struggling to plan but say no more this June! We have a list of holidays compiled for you to rock all your social media handles with fabulous content.

Some prominent June holidays for content creation include the Global Day of Parents, world environment day, world oceans day, international music day, world blood donor day, higher education day, social media day, and many more!

Let’s have a look at the type of content you can make for each one.

June (entire month): Pride month

The LGBTQ crowd has long been subjected to discrimination. To embrace diversity and keep inclusivity and humanity alive, June has been dedicated as the ‘rainbow month’. As a brand, it is an ethical practice to play your part in promoting equality. A brand doesn’t discriminate against anyone, so make your voice clear about pride month clear.

June 1: Global Day of Parents

Parents are a blessing for everyone. No matter how old we get, we always look up to our mom and dad when in trouble. As a token of appreciation, you could share quotes that show appreciation towards parents. You could also start a movement where you share how your parents have supported you and ask your followers to do the same.

June 4: National Donut Day

Who cares for a free donut? The United States and its citizens do. If you can’t offer these delicious treats, you could chime in by creating some cute donut memes and using the national donut day hashtag in the caption. Better yet - why not get a donut for yourself or organize a campaign to distribute them among the needy and homeless?

June 5: World Environment Day

Environment Day is best to inform the public about everything that is going wrong with the earth at the moment. Some issues to talk about include climate change, pollution, use of plastic, water and wildlife conservation, and much more. If the situation fits your brand, you could also be open about the recycling efforts your company makes.

June 6: Higher Education Day

Education makes the world go round. Without it, neither you nor I would be here. So make the importance of higher studies clear to your followers by becoming a part of the conversation. Share survey results or if you want to keep it low-key and simple, just one or two simple educational quotes should be enough to motivate your followers!

June 8: World Oceans Day

Another day to commemorate the vibes of eco-friendly behavior. And in this time of the global pandemic, spreading awareness has become more necessary than ever. With trash being dumped into the ocean and many marine species moving closer to extinction, you could show how your brand is a part of the solution and not the problem. Share how you use your business to invest in recycling ocean waste or if you’re helping out in any other way!

June 13: International Children’s Day

It’s the day of the little ones, so put up cheerful and fun content! If you offer manufactured products, why not give a toy away with each purchase? Fuse your social media marketing campaign with awesome and unique retail ideas. Start a separate line or launch special services that are meant only for children.

June 14: World Blood Donor Day

Countless patients worldwide die either due to blood diseases or deficiency. Being a responsible brand means spreading the word about the importance of blood donation. Put together the benefits and also link to trusted organizations like the WHO. You could craft an entire blog post and post an infographic about it too.

June 20: Father’s Day

Fathers are blessings. As a brand, you must pay tributes to these heroes that provide for their families at all costs. To make this holiday epic, offer discounts on gifts if you manufacture products. Start a conversation on appreciating the efforts that dads all over the world put in. Give people discounts on your products and services by offering a dad + child combo package!

June 21: International Music Day

If the whole world has one language in common, it’s music. Be it pop, jazz, country, RnB, soul, every genre speaks to people. Share playlists on social media or the side effects and benefits of music with your followers. Ask people to make videos of themselves singing or playing their favorite instrument, tag your brand, and then reshare the content on your profile.

June 25: Take your dog to work day

This holiday is a delight for dog owners who go to office! You can post about this day prior to June 25 and ask your followers to take their dog to work, if they have one! Then for the actual holiday, prompt them to share photos and tag your brand. Create fun memories to build engagement and get the human factor going!

June 30: Social Media Day

And the month ends with social media day! So go ahead and post how all multiple platforms make it easier to create content for branding. Start a conversation about how using different media can help you make more successful. On another note, also spread social media awareness by sharing tips on online safety and cyber crime.

Takeaway: Social media calendar for June

So your June social media calendar would be a fusion of emotional, fun, and meaningful content. The ideas work across all platforms, however it’s best to make every post highly visual. It’s the fastest way to attract customers and get the message across.

Also remember that since June is a rainbow month, you don’t have to wait for a holiday to post about it. To learn more on how to make fabulous social media content, check out this post on Instagram templates!

Key Dates in june


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