How to Make a Seamless Carousel for Instagram in Canva
Instagram Carousels are becoming very popular due to the amount of information that can be shared in one post to your audience. These engagement boosting posts are easy to make in Canva and allow you to deliver a lot of useful content in one post to your followers.
You have likely already seen Instagram Carousels and wondered how to create the seamless look. This article will show you step-by-step how to create your own seamless Instagram Carousel in Canva.
What are Instagram Carousels?
Instagram Carousels are different from your usual Instagram post as you can add up to 10 slides that your audience can read by swiping left. Being able to share more than one image means you can share a lot more information without overcrowding the post with information. You can use Instagram carousels for anything you require. From product launches to business information and social media tips, using carousels will boost your engagement by providing valuable content to your followers in an aesthetically pleasing way.
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How to Make a Seamless Instagram Carousel
1. Create a New Design in Canva
Go to Canva and click ‘Create New Design’. Choose ‘Custom Size’. The height will always be 1080 pixels unless you are using the new size of 1350 pixels but the width of the design will change based on how many slides you are creating.
The width of a standard Instagram post is 1080 pixels so to work out how long it needs to be you multiply the number of slides by 1080 pixels. For example, we will be creating 4 slides today so 4 slides x 1080 pixels = 4320 pixel width.
Instagram Carousel
2. Make Your Instagram Carousel Design
Once you have the right size for your Instagram Carousel, click ‘File’ and ‘Show Rulers’. The Canva keyboard shortcut for this is SHIFT + R.
Instagram Carousel
Drag the left ruler until you reach 1080 pixels. Repeat this process until the canvas is divided into the desired number of slides by dragging the ruler at multiples of 1080.
Instagram Carousel
You are now ready to start your carousel design. To create the seamless look, you should place elements over the grid lines so when scrolling it is noticeable.
Instagram Carousel
3. Split Your Design in to Slides
Download your image as a PNG file ready to upload to the image splitter of your choice.
Instagram Carousel
Upload and split your image in the image splitter of your choice. We have used for this one. You now have your separated images ready to upload to Instagram for your seamless Instagram Carousel. Be sure to make sure they are in the correct order when uploading.
Instagram Carousel
Tip: If you are a blog writer, you should create Instagram Carousels from your posts to share useful information with your audience and bring awareness to your blog.
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Using Instagram carousels will make a difference to how people interact with you on the platform. The more information you share, the more chance you have of reaching potential clients and your ideal audience as there is more content to interact with. We recommend that you start with a minimum of 4 slides and work your way up when you build confidence. Instagram allows up to 10 slides per post. Sign up to Canva for free here.