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7 Ways to Promote Your New Blog on Social Media

Have you got a new blog up for your website? If yes, then congratulations - now all you need to do is promote it on social media platforms! As you’ll see, every medium has its own perks. However, for all forms of content, there’s no better place than Instagram.

To promote your blog on social media, begin by making an announcement. After that, you could regularly post stories, quotes, info-graphics, videos, and keep updating the links in the ‘About Us’ or biography section.

Why is it important to inform followers about your blog?

No matter how much your blog is optimized for search engine crawling, making it to the highest ranks of Google is quite tough. Especially since a new blog hardly has any traffic coming in, you could easily lose the motivation to carry it forward. So you need to be active on various social media channels to drive people in and be able to monetize your blog.

How to grab attention and convert readers

How do you grab attention with a blog post? Yes, the first word and sentence is a hook. Starting off with a question or an emotional statement is a great way to convert readers to your blog. However, it doesn’t end there as you would need to spread the word.

So have a look at the 7 ideas below:

1. Announcement Post

First things first, you need to inform your followers once your website has gone live. It’s a great way to build up first-time traffic. Moreover, you could encourage your fans to spread the word, and since social media sharing is simple, pulling in the crowd should be easy. These types of posts are best as permanent ones on Instagram or as Facebook status updates on a new page. You could reshare the announcements on your personal profiles or even on job portal sites like LinkedIn.

Bonus tip: Include a short description of yourself too. It’s a must-have for new followers to get to know you better!

2. Instagram Stories

Instagram stories hardly ever fail at anything. And it’s the same with putting up content related to your blog. Here are a few tips for you to promote your new blog on IG stories:

  • You can post multiple times throughout the day and night.Post screenshots of your blog as sneak peeks on IG stories.

  • If you’re having a weekly blog post, put up a description of three points in the story.

  • Attach the link to your blog or most read articles in the stories.

  • Post questions about your blog: What type of posts do your followers want from you? How satisfied they are with the content on your website? Getting feedback is a crucial part of business and branding!

Make sure your stories are relevant and engaging. Have a look at this blog post to learn about how to add value to your Instagram stories.

3. Quotes and tit-bits from the blog

Pick out sentences that resonate with your audience. You could schedule a day exclusively to post quotes from your blog posts. Keep a simple template for a quote as it needs to be legible and hit the nail on the head.

For more ease in reading, you could type it all out in the caption too. But it’s best that you further comment on what you’re already posting via the image. That way, it adds more interest.

4. Infographics

Infographics make any blog post look more interesting. Especially if your article contains many numbers or step-by-step information, you may want to simplify it for your audience.

Having visual guide is great for:

  • How-to articles with too many complicated steps.

  • ‘Did you know’ blog posts that have too many facts to digest.

  • Infographics can drive more traffic to your blog. When a reader sees visual content, they’re more likely to go through the written part. Even if they don’t read the complete blog post, there are chances of bringing in greater traffic.

All in all, infographics can also promote your blog post. It’s easier for readers to share images across all social platforms and if the content is unique, it may even go viral! Simply remember to include your brand logo in a certain portion of the infographic, as long as it’s visible. It’s meant for spreading the word about your brand and also protects the copyrights of your original graphic.

5. Video content

Video content is known to be the most engaging form of content online. You could connect with other bloggers by recording videos of yourself. Here are a few things you could talk about:

  • Your motivation behind launching a blog.

  • Post tutorials regarding topics. Usually videos on self-improvement and life hacks tend to garner many views.

  • Make a short introductory video of yourself. If you’re in the creative industries, you could even speak about the motivation behind your artistry.

  • Make time-lapse videos and use them both on Instagram and with your blog post. If you’re an artist or crafter, then recording the process can do wonders for you!

  • If you have a good budget, you could hire influencers to create videos for you. It could expose your blog to a wider audience, increasing the overall monthly traffic to your website.

Bonus tip: Open a YouTube channel under the same name as your blog. This strategy may require more investment, so go with it only if you have the budget and resources to make complementary high quality videos!

6. Instagram Reels

A relatively new feature compared to stories, reels have become very popular on IG. These short 30 second videos cover quick pitches easily, making sure only relevant and high quality content is posted. You could use reels to make quick product reviews and then give your blog link in the end.

7. Keep your ‘website’ updated in the Instagram Bio

Instagram bios are short and precise. You can use this quality to your advantage and give just one link that could work for you. Either flaunt your latest blog post in the ‘website’ portion of your profile or put in the link to your blog directly.

So which one of the above 7 ideas for blog promotion do you love the most? Let us know in the comments!