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4 Ways To Use Canva in Your Blog

Use Canva to make pretty images for your blog or social media

Canva is an easy way to create pretty images for your blog or social media. It's a well-known company that has created some fantastic templates for social media.

You can use Canva templates to cover as many as you need spaces on your blog for images and graphics. You can include images of story ideas, quotes, dates, graphics showing how much money you have left in your bank account at certain points in the year and much more. It's super easy to use and takes only a few minutes of your time.

No matter if you’re a blogger, social media creator, or digital marketer, if your business requires graphics that create a visual impact the world over then Canva can help you deliver the goods. Whether you’re looking for an elegant and inviting Instagram cover for your blog or want to get a powerful and visually appealing website design for your Facebook page, Canva has what you need.

Canva is one of my favorite things to use as a blogger or social media personality. I love how easy it is to add a visual component to an opinion piece, possibly making a stronger argument than the text itself. The thing I like most about Canva is that it's more than just a layout tool – it gives you a designer-friendly platform to quickly and easily communicate your ideas through images and copy.

You can create:

  • Infographic  

Canva is an amazing free tool for making marketing memes. Use it to create infographics that will be used as direct links on your blog. This will help you build trust with your readers and help them find you. It's also a great way to keep track of who's reading your blog and how they are engaging with certain topics or themes. I highly recommend using Canva for blog posts infographics.

  • Blog Banner

Canva makes it easy to create blog banners and sidebars from a handful of items. The free, online templates include header images, featured content, images for headings and captions, and so on. You can add text, images, and videos as needed.

  • Blog Graphic

You can use Canva to make a lot of different types of graphics for your blog. Blog graphics include graphics used for posts, videos, images, and more. These include things like logos, product photos, banners, team photos, note cards, etc.

  • Social Media Post

Canva is a fantastic social media design tool. It has a wide variety of templates, visual elements, and colors to get exactly the effect you want for your social media posts. The main advantage of Canva over other similar tools is that it allows you to add text and pictures files that you create in your blog.

Use it to make templates for newsletters

The best newsletters are much better than the average newsletter because they use templates. Templates increase conversions every time. Each newsletter will have different sections and if you aren't sure what someone should read next, creating a template will help get them to pick an option.

Even if they pick something else eventually, at least they've opened an email that looked different from all the other emails they'd gotten throughout the week.

Using templates is one of the best ways to ensure your newsletter comes out on time and is full of valuable information. When you create your newsletter, you can use templates to make sure your copy is super easy to read and digest. It may be tempting to just copy and paste everything from your website into your newsletter box, but this can be tricky.

It might just get discarded after the newsletter's created, and you'll have to start all over. Instead, use a template (or two) to get started and customize as you go. I've used this method for over a year with success!

Use Canva to make your job easier and your blog more visually appealing

A lot of bloggers are using Canva for their blogs. It's an easy way to make your job easier. Create a template of each of your blog posts and place it on your website. Canva will then auto-generate the images for each post and link them to their respective templates. It's also a great way to communicate with customers and highlight things that customers need to see.

You can use Canva templates to make your blog, website, or business more visually appealing from an aesthetic point of view.  The images that represent your content on your site don't have to be too small or blurry, although they should fit the page well. You can make images that overlap each other nicely or that flow together. It's also a great way to build a community around your work if you use Canva templates for your blog posts.

Click here to start using Canva today. Its free and easy to use!